Residential tenancy law color

Residential Tenancy

Neighbouring areas

Neighbouring areas

Please have consideration for your neighbours as everyone has the right to live peacefully in his or her home. It is also a condition of your Tenancy Agreement not to cause a nuisance to other tenants.

Children's Play Areas

Not all estates or flats have play areas and children are often allowed to play either on the roadways through the estate, outside people’s houses or in the indoor and outdoor communal areas in the blocks of flats. Bearing this in mind, we must ask that parents to remain vigilant of their children at all times and ensure they are not causing a nuisance to other neighbours.

Washing Line Etiquette

If you are in a flat that has washing lines, please respect other people’s washing and do not remove it to hang up yours. Please also leave these areas clean and tidy.

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Les Vaux is one of Jersey’s largest providers of affordable housing, responsible for more than 331 properties and 1k islanders. We take our responsibilities very seriously and are committed to being the landlord of choice for our clients. In this section you will find information about our services and what you can expect from us, as well as the standards we expect from our clients, both of which will help us to achieve our objective of inspiring responsible communities in all of our developments.